Meeran Nasir

Microsoft Certified Professional | Microsoft Specialist | Microsoft Azure | Microsoft Office Specialist | Office 365 | Microsoft Certified Innovative Educator

Promotion of Additional Domain Controller

Tags: Domain, Domain Controller, Additional Domain Controller, Promoting ADC, ADC

Hi Folks, Today I am here to spread knowledge about how to promote a member server to be an additional domain controller. for this promotion, server should be part of the network, if you don't know how to make server part of a network or I say making a member server, no worries prior to this kindly go through my other article or blog

Additional Domain Controller Prerequisites [Making of Member Server]

so lets get started.

To Promote ADC, logon to the member server. Open Power-Shell (run as administrator). and type the following command

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -includemanagementtools

Press Enter

After Successful installation of role you will get the following screen.

Now Open Server Manager, under notification click Promote this server to a domain Controller,

Clicking on this will open the Deployment configuration wizard, now select Add a domain controller to an existing domain from the options below

After that click change,

and supply the credentials for the deployment options and place the username name and password of the Domain Controller Administrator. After that click Ok.

Enter the domain and Click Next

Clicking next will take you to the next screen, here you will set a password to secure your directory services, other way secure information and data of your company after that click next.

Now Click Next no changes required on this screen

Here you will select the Domain Controller, from which you want to replicate all and make this one an additional of it. Click Next

These are the paths, for the database folder, log files, and sysvol folder. for now click next.

Review Options will be the next screen. review all the selection that you have made so far in the wizard above and click next.

Click next will take to the Prerequisites Check, once the system will pass the prerequisites check click install

After that installation will take place

After a while system will restart. and after restart the machine will be Additional Domain Controller within the network.

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