Meeran Nasir

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FEARLESS: Get Started with Shell

Tags: Fearless, GetStarted, PowerShell, Comfort, ColorScheme, Native Commands, PowerShell For Admin, Dive In, Dive in PowerShell

The Purpose for PowerShell

The management within organizations was a big challenge for people. There was need of improved management, specifically not management, moreover management with automation. Let us exemplify for deeper understanding with the problem really common.

Why PowerShell?

I walk in to office and I have bunch of people in higher authorities waiting for me to complete the bundle of tasks they have on their agendas for me. Now we have several scripts i.e. VB scripts, API’s butthey are not enough to deal with daily task automation.

There was a big need to have some tool to manage the environments at enterprises within Real-Time, Live Environments are managed by PowerShell with ease. A tool that we can just say, “Well System, get in here do this, do this for me from the environment”

How to deal with PowerShell?

Well to deal yourself and PowerShell the thing only you are acquired is“Keep yourself motivated to explore”

The Digital transformation of organization is taking place with this tool, now mastering PowerShell can lead you to do your task scripts for once click save, and make it automate for the rest.

Not last but least, GUI will be really comfortable to deal some tasks, but when it comes to enterprise, big business needs GUI fails to facilitate at needs. That is where PowerShell comes best in to map all the business needs. Let us exemplify this to develop the deep understanding. Setting up mailboxes for my organizational need might be done by the GUI but setting out mailbox size for all the users custom thiscan’t be mapped by GUI, but PowerShell do that with ease within seconds.

PowerShell: Grab it powershell?view=powershell-6

PowerShell V6 Windows 10 PowerShell V3 Windows 8.1 PowerShell V2 Windows 7

Dive into PowerShell Like an Admin


Well Using Windows 8.1 OS let us dive in (Same Goes for Windows Later Releases)


Once the PowerShell is up! And you need to take care that if you need to do some administrative task with it, you need to Run as Administrator. As shown in one of the pictures above. What ensures that PowerShell is running with the administrative rights is shown below

Get your comfort level with PowerShell

Well working with any environment, foremost needed is the comfort level with the application you are working on. In this case PowerShell is really friend to you. PowerShell helps you fully customize the looks and rest features to maintain comfort level as per your desire.

To build the desired Comfort Level you simply need to right click the title bar then click over the properties from the menu. Clicking properties will open the following for you to customize

With this customization with you. You can customize the font options for PowerShell. This is the great way to increase the readability and give your eyes an ease so that you can work in large span of time.

With this Customization window you basically deal with the PowerShell window, you can now customize the Screen Buffer Size, Windows Size, Window Positioning.


With this Customization window you now can even customize the look and feel, the color scheme of your own choice just to tackle the best theme for your eyes comfort.


Shell is family, no more a nightmare

Well, Time to get into PowerShell

PowerShell is comprised of cmdlets whereas cmdlets are defined as small commands. PowerShellCmdlets comprise of basic structure explicitly “Verb-Noun”, let us exemplify that, suppose I need to getall the services that are running within organization for that let us formulate the command known the basic syntax for PowerShell Cmdlet. Let us note verb is the doing action, whereas noun is known the oneon which action is performed. Keeping in mind the task “Get-Service” will be the right cmdlet to achievethe task.

PowerShell, break the trends of the traditional shell i.e. cmd. You need to memorize the commands on CMD, well PowerShell is just to discover. Magic is wherever the person is coming from to the PowerShell, i.e. Linux, Windows, even Macintosh. PowerShell will help them any of the system with all the native language from where he is coming from. Let us exemplify

There is a man, with a background of working with the Linux system, whenever he acquires help on something from Linux he goes for the command “Man”,unfortunately the person got his job shift and now with his own workplace he has to work with windows-based machines, which make him pondering all the time thathow to tackle the live scenarios. But my friend you don’tneed to shift learn PowerShell way to get help that is

“Get-Help”, because “Man” will work for you on the windows-based machine. So, PowerShell work with all the Native Commands of the platforms it support.

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